Running for the 4th consecutive year, our ever-so-popular Fresh Intentions Challenge was created to provide our customers and followers with fun daily activities to form new habits for a healthier mind, body and spirit. All participants had a chance to win one of three Grand Prizes – a $1000 gift card, an insulated tote, a salad container and a Fresh Express 2023 Calendar. Six runners-up had a chance to win a $100 gift card, an insulated tote, a salad container and a Fresh Express 2023 Calendar.
There were sixty randomly chosen winners each week who won a $50 gift card, 31 Fresh Express Salad coupons and a Fresh Express 2023 Calendar each. And three daily winners (ninety in total), were rewarded with 31 Fresh Express Salad coupons and a Fresh Express 2023 Calendar.
We’ve seen so many wonderful examples of daily challenges that have been shared with us and we want to thank everyone who participated. Finding ways to stay motivated can be a challenge in itself and many of us appreciate the positivity and encouragement demonstrated by others.
If you’d like to see some additional entries from this year’s participants or get inspired for next years’ Fresh Intentions Challenge, please take some time to check out the #FreshIntentions hashtag on Instagram and Twitter. Though it will still be some time until 2024, why not set a reminder now so you won’t forget? Participating in our annual Fresh Intentions Challenge is a fun way to get motivated; we look forward to your participation next year!
Meet our NEW Korean Sesame Hot or Cold Salad and Noodle Meal Kit®!
Read moreDiscover our NEW Teriyaki Hot or Cold Salad and Noodle Meal Kit®!
Discover our NEW Teriyaki Hot or Cold Salad and Noodle Meal Kit®!
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