⦁ Deep cleaning and disinfecting at regular intervals, including all common areas and high touch points as well as ample supplies of personal hand hygiene products
⦁ Inclusion of face masks in all Personal Protective Equipment
⦁ Restrictions on visitor access
⦁ Daily temperature checks of all employees or approved visitors entering our facilities – anyone with a temperature of 100.4° F or higher is not allowed entry and is encouraged to seek medical attention
⦁ Return-to-work policies that follow public health recommendations and are carefully managed by Human Resources
⦁ Staggered schedules to limit employee density
⦁ Separation strategies and social distancing measures. Where not possible due to equipment or workspace configurations other solutions are employed such as physical barriers or face shields
⦁ Comprehensive and regular employee prevention-based education and information
We are grateful to our hundreds of dedicated and hard-wording employees who have stepped up to do their part to keep our operations running smoothly. We are equally grateful to our steadfast partners and customers who continue to ensure the integrity of our supply chain and that our products reach consumers seamlessly.
According to our public health authorities, COVID-19 is not transmitted by food and is not considered a foodborne illness. Nonetheless, rest assured that our countless stringent food safety practices remain in full effect, from farm to fork. We invite you and your family to continue to enjoy our fresh salads, salad kits and leafy greens with full confidence in their safety, quality and value.
Thank you.